October 08 2021 0Comment

Our running man completes London Marathon

He did it! Well done Paul. Completed the London Marathon on Sunday  3rd October in 5 hours 14 minutes and 11 seconds. Paul Jones has worked at Cable Services as Accounts Manager at our Wrexham Head Office  for 16 years. During this time , he has achieved a lot with his love of running. He has completed the 6 major Marathons of the World, which include New York, Tokyo , Paris , Belin , Boston and London.

Paul Jones “Thank you for all the kind messages of support and for all the sponsorship received. I did receive a few anonymous donations so thank you whoever you are, it’s very much appreciated”.

He has raised over £1200 for his chosen charity. Visit link if you wish to donate –  https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/PAULJONES1969
